Monthly Archives: June 2023

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Anthropometric measurements associated with the length of incarceration of people deprived of liberty

Photo of a cell full of men. We can see only arms and clothes stretched out between the bars.

Waist circumference is associated with length of incarceration and directly influences the development of chronic noncommunicable diseases. Thus, its identification in the incarcerated population can contribute to the development of public policies aimed at this invisible and vulnerable population. Read More →

Evidence for the care of children and adolescents with epidermolysis bullosa

Uma criança de costas segurando um urso de pelúcia. No fundo, uma mulher sentada ao lado de uma profissional da saúde. Elas estão sentadas e olham para uma prancheta que a profissional está segurando.

The management of care for epidermolysis bullosa is a challenge for nursing care given the complexity and variety of its manifestations that require certain knowledge and skills from professionals in order to deal with the pediatric public and their families in the hospital setting. Read More →

Social factors and lack of antenatal care are related to a higher risk of prematurity

Foto de um bebê deitado na incubadora.

Social factors and inadequate antenatal care are related to a higher risk of prematurity. Municipalities should plan actions to expand the coverage and quality of antenatal care in order to prevent premature births and avoid diseases and health complications for mothers and babies. Read More →